15 July 2012

Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant

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14 July 2012

Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant

Branding is it an Inception?

 Branding is it an Inception?
What’s the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?
An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea’s taken hold in the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. A person can cover it up, ignore it but it stays there. Information is forgotten. But an idea fully formed, understood? That sticks in there, somewhere.
This opening statement of the movie Inception reminds me the first lessons my advertising guru taught me. We are always trying to play with these so called ‘ideas’ in branding or communication. ‘Inception’ is all about that game. Good brands are created out of these inceptions of ideas in the minds of their customers.
We always say that emotional connect make the customers act and rationalisation help them to justify their actions. So emotions work better in most of the communications, when we try to connect to the customer and create a positive inclination towards the brand. This is the exact strategy what they have used in inception and it is evident in the statement of Cobbs.
The subconscious gets motivated through emotion, not reason, so we have to translate the idea into an emotional concept and plant it. We could split the idea into emotional triggers, and use one on each level”.
They did the inception successfully by piggy backing the emotions of Fisher: "My father accepts that I want to create for myself, not follow in his footsteps." These positive emotions act powerfully in favour of the dream architects. Not just that, the dream architect always insisted on placing the idea deep in the subconscious levels of the mind for a better inception. We always try to achieve these in our communication strategies.
The reason for the failure of the inception by Eames was like most of the communication strategy failures we see around us. The insight / idea were not planted deep enough and the inception addressed superficial issues. To be effective a communication or inception should always be based on the simplest and the basic insight of the consumer. Eames was not in favour of direct inception of the idea to break up the monopoly of Fishers Empire because of his previous experience. He says “there you’ve got various political motivations, anti-monopolistic sentiment and so forth. But all that stuff’s at the mercy of the subject’s prejudice you have to go to the basics, the relationship with his father”. Fisher’s inception was done below three layers of dreams for a better reception. These are the most difficult task we face during the preparation of communication strategies.
The subtlety of the changes what we are trying to make in the subject’s psychological layer is also very important. Possibility of resistance by the projections or perceptions is very high as the changes become aggressive. Ariadne was attacked by the projections of the Cobbs in the dream training because of this reason. This principle is very much applicable in real world communication scenarios, where we have to handle the projections and perceptions of the TG.
Inception speaks about the responsibility of communication and branding professionals towards society also. Haven’t we come across similar statements like the following about branding and marketing?
 “This isn't the usual corporate espionage, Mr. Saito. This is inception. The seed of the idea we plant will grow in this man's mind. It'll change him. It might even come to define him”
We can see an extreme case of dream addicts also in the pharmacy of Yusuf.  The old man says “They dream to be woken up... the dream has become their reality...and who are we to say otherwise?” This is a classical state where brands give the reason to the existence / identity to the consumers. Consumers are in the dreams experience the lives of celebrities and kings when they use brands, ultimately that becomes the hope for their existence.
In short we can see inception of communication and branding principles everywhere in Inception. It’s a good guide for strategy inspirations if you can dream and analyse within dreams and inceptions.

Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant


Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant


Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant


Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant

Origin of Branding

Where / when did brand management begin? We will see wide variety of answers for this question. Even the text books differ on this.
The term ‘Brand Equity’ came to vocabulary of academicians during mid-eighties. The usage of word ‘brand’ started during the process of differentiating one individual’s herd of cattle from other. What about the practice of brand management. Most of them define the above described as the origin of brand management. But if we think about the process of brand management is this conclusion accurate?
What is a brand? For a common man brand is a name, term, design or symbol that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. An expert would define these as an outward manifestation of the concept or an abstract thought called brand, it goes quite deeper than all these. It’s like a considering an idol in a temple, as the god or considering a person as mere mass made of flesh and bones. Brand more than the logo, it’s just an expression of a larger intangible asset or personality of the product or service. Brand is like a soul to the human being, which helps flesh and bones to become a human being.
If we consider the above described thoughts, branding is older than human beings and it is innate in the nature. A bird develops better colors and tries to sing better to get his mate. A lion develops a brand identity through his signature roar and scent marking. A tree tries to brand itself with a better packaging, beautiful flowers, to attract the TG, the pollinators. Eggs marks themselves with hormones which attract their TG, the sperms for fertilization. In short the branding is there everywhere in the universe and it was there much before human beings evolved. We just have to keep our eyes open to see better branding examples in this universe and adapt the same to our commercial branding.
Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant

Do we need branding / marketing for everybody?

Do we need branding / marketing for everybody?Branding professionals encounter this question regularly.
Let’s borrow the definition of brand from my last article. “What is a brand? For a common man brand is a name, term, design or symbol that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. An expert would define these as an outward manifestation of the concept or an abstract thought called brand, it goes quite deeper than all these. It’s like a considering an idol in a temple, as the god or considering a person as mere mass made of flesh and bones. Brand is more than the logo; it’s just an expression of a larger intangible asset or personality of the product or service. Brand is like a soul to the human being, which helps flesh and bones to become a human being” 
If we take this as the definition, branding spreads across to all type of organizations, people, places etc. You have to apply the principles of branding if you need an identity differentiated from your competitors or pals.
“We don’t want to market ourselves” is a regular comment from most of the entities or personalities. This misconception is based on a narrow minded definition of marketing, in most of the cases. For common man marketing is sales, they forget other Ps. Sales is just a small portion in marketing spectrum. This is evident if you analyze any well-known organization or personality. They all will have a perfect set of branding elements. These would have been there knowingly or unknowingly. Even religious figures and politicians are not different. Take the example of Mahatma. Look at the brand name of Gandhi, the packaging (dressing), Philosophy, etc. All of them were perfectly suitable for the target audience. TG (Common man) never found any difficulty in associating themselves with the brand. Look at the methodologies adopted for resistance; all were in congruence with the brand. Everything about the brand Mahatma was differentiated, well aligned to a core positioning and TG specific. We can see the same if we analyze all famous personalities. The same is applicable for Religions and Gods also.  
It’s evident from the above discussion that a perfect alignment of branding principles is necessary for any activity to be successful. Question about your intention whether to plan it in advance or to give the control to situations.

Posted in Advertising agencies, Brand Consultant

Branding lessons from a temple

As I discussed in my previous posts many of our clients regularly ask us about the need for marketing. I will take a temple as a case and try to explain the reasons behind its success, from a marketer’s perspective, which may give you an answer to this question also.
Sabarimala is a famous temple in South India. 45 – 50 million pilgrims visit Sabari every year in a short span of 41 days. What makes the temple so popular? What makes Shabarimala unique compared to countless other temples across India?  Is it the branding?
 Let’s analyse the branding elements of Shabarimala .
Product/Service: Hinduism is divided mainly in to two sects, Shivites and Vaishnavites. One follows shiva and the othervishnu. Lord Ayyappa in Shabari is the son of Shiva and Mohini , an incarnation of Vishnu. This differentiates it from most of the temples and brings both the sects together to worship.
Price and Processes: The sacrifice (Price) which we have to do for Shabarimala pilgrimage is quite high compared to other temples. Devotees are expected to follow a vratham (41-day penance) prior to the pilgrimage. They are supposed to avoid non-vegetarian food, Sexual encounters, haircuts, foul language, alcohol, colourful dresses etc. You are supposed to complete a 7 K M hike barefoot. Ladies are not allowed to enter the temple. Since all this is very challenging, devotees are inspired all the more to visit the temple.
Physical Evidence: Every touch point is differentiated in Shabarimala pilgrimage. It starts with the dress which has to be of black colour, beads around your neck, beard , uncut hair etc. Even the ‘prasad’ and offerings are unique compared to other temples (Appam & Aravana). Devotees are supposed to trek the mountain with a unique bag on their head without this bag they will not be allowed to climb the holy 18 steps.
Brand Experience: Shabarimala pilgrimage and the journey itself is an experience. These experiences last in their memories and devotees spread these stories which strengthen the brand further. Every devotee himself becomes a PR agent for Shabarimala.
We can see a perfect alignment of marketing principles and differentiation when we take all the above aspects into consideration. All these factors help Shabarimala to become a brand in itself without much effort from the side of management or devotees. This perfection in branding creates the pull from its target audience without any push which is a dream of any brand. You will see branding elements in any successful venture, it would have come in knowingly or unknowingly. We can say that the branding elements are "in me, in you and around us". So the question is not about the need for branding, its about the type of branding or the depth of it.